Friends of Mangarakau plant 1000 trees
On the weekend following ANZAC Day a working bee was held at the Mangarakau Swamp in north west Nelson. 1000 trees had been raised over the previous year in order to fill in some gaps in previous plantings at Wattle Point and around the Visitor Centre. An intrepid group from Nelson/Tasman branch of Forest and Bird travelled over from Nelson to help out with planting and all the trees were planted by Saturday afternoon. Sunday was a more leisurely day and some of the group who had not visited before went walking while others helped out with weeding Tasmanian blackwood seedlings before attending the Annual General Meeting of Friends of Managarakau in the afternoon. As usual the pot luck dinners on Friday and Saturday night saw the table groaning with delicious food and lots of animated conversations. Thanks to Robyn Jones for raising the trees and Ian Price for organising the troops from Nelson.