Dedicate a Tree for $25

And help Restore

New Zealand's Native Forest


Dedicate a Tree

Help restore New Zealand’s native forests by dedicating a tree or grove of trees – the perfect gift, celebration of an event or way to remember a loved one.

Your dedicated trees will grow to form part of a newly restored native forest. Protected for ever by the Trust for all New Zealanders to enjoy. As the Trust’s forests regenerate through a mixture of planting programs and natural self-seeding (improved by active reserve management) we can’t always guarantee that there will be a tree planted but there are planting programs at most of the reserves listed below.

Your support enables us to


Restore native forests establishing new nature reserves


Nurture your growing trees for the benefit of all New Zealanders and our native wildlife


Help combat climate change by restoring forests that remove carbon from the atmosphere

When you dedicate a tree or
grove you will receive


A certificate confirming your dedication personalised with your own message (please allow up to two working days for delivery of your certificate).


Confirmation of which reserve you are helping regenerate.


Regular updates from the Trust, allowing you to monitor our progress.


A sense of achievement that you have helped to restore a New Zealand native forest.

Dedicating a single tree costs just $25 or dedicate a small grove from $100.

Dedicate a Tree

Dedicate a tree from just $25/tree. Remember, we are a registered charity. All support is fully tax deductible. Please allow up to two working days for delivery of your certificate.

Number of trees *
Total Amount
Your Details
Details to appear on the certificate

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About Us

NZ Native Forests Restoration Trust trading as the Native Forest Restoration Trust is a registered charitable organization under the Charities Act 2005. Our Charities Commission registration number CC30320

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© 2024 Native Forest Restoration Trust