Omoana Bush

Omoana NFRT

*Update 10/2024: Closed to the public until further notice*


Taranaki district. 35km east of Eltham, towards the Matemateonga Ranges; a head catchment of the Patea River.


Extended by a further 226 hectares in 2016, taking the reserve to 560 hectares of bush and regenerating scrub. The southern boundary is a metalled road, the eastern and northern boundaries follow paper roads, the western boundary follows a ridge before crossing the valley floor. The valley sides are steep to very steep.

No hunting without the express permission of the Native Forest Restoration Trust

Flora and fauna

Regenerating bush with large areas of manua/kanuka and punga fern. Stands of pukatea, especially near swamps and streams, healthy bush beside the road with fine rata heads.

High value for birdlife, with reports of kiwi and NZ falcon.


Purchased in 2003 and opened on 12th February 2005 by Mary Bourke, Mayor of South Taranaki.

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NZ Native Forests Restoration Trust trading as the Native Forest Restoration Trust is a registered charitable organization under the Charities Act 2005. Our Charities Commission registration number CC30320

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