Otatara Appeal – Less than one week to go!

We’ve so far raised about $775,000, an amazing achievement under the circumstances, but not enough to save all of this amazing property near Invercargill containing nationally endangered dune totara forest.
Understandably, this has been a tough campaign. We started fundraising in late February, about the same time as New Zealand announced its first case of Covid-19, and none of us knew how quickly everything would change. Despite this, we believe we have raised sufficient funds to save the most important parts of the property but we are still short of the target.
We’re more determined than ever to buy and restore this property to its former glory. The settlement is scheduled for 20th May so we have less than one week to go to raise the funds we need, so if you were thinking of donating but haven’t yet done so we would really appreciate your help – now more than ever.
You can make a donation on our website: https://www.nfrt.org.nz/otatara-reserve-appeal/
Thank you so much for everything you do to help protect our native forests!